Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

Israel and the United States are nearing an agreement to exclude Chinese technology from the former’s 5G networks – another indication that Jerusalem is heeding Washington’s demand for a tougher stance against Beijing. As US-Sino ties continue to fray, Israel

Diplomacy with Iran is coming. Whichever candidate wins in November, it seems likely they will attempt renewed engagement with Tehran over its nuclear weapons program, either by reentering the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) or pursuing a new agreement.

The landmark peace deal between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain is great news in terms of constructing a regional coalition against Iran. It may also help convince the Palestinians that they are no longer at the center of

US Must Exert Leadership to End Libyan Conflict

Ruptures in Libya’s already fractured politics could cause the country to further spiral out of control only a month after the warring sides agreed to a ceasefire. After protests against appalling living conditions, the interim government aligned with Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National