

Israel complied with int’l law in Gaza war against Hamas – JINSA

The IDF complied with the law of armed conflict and “consistently implemented precautions to mitigate civilian risk,” during the May 10-21 Gaza War, a Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) said in a report released on Thursday. In addition,

A new assessment of the Gaza conflict in May concludes that the conflict shows why the US, Israel and others should cooperate against the kinds of emerging threats we saw in May. The report was compiled by the Gaza Assessment Task Force

As retired U.S. generals, admirals, and military legal experts, we undertook this study of the May 2021 armed conflict between Israel and Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in the Gaza Strip to glean legal, strategic, operational, and technological observations about

Five months ago, President Biden committed to helping to replace Iron Dome interceptors Israel expended to protect civilians from rockets the Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas fired from Gaza during last May’s conflict. Congress has yet to fulfill that pledge, with funding currently