

Beware Media Fear-Mongering

The developments that followed the Temple Mount crisis highlighted the media’s penchant for manufacturing unnecessary drama * If anything, the decision to roll back security measures on the Temple Mount was a sign of Israel’s strength, not its weakness. A

Peas in a Nuclear Pod

Much separates Iran and North Korea, but the two have plenty in common when it comes to nuclear ambitions * Whenever they move to appease the West, they somehow get closer to realizing their goals, while the world fumbles to

The future of the Middle East is currently being determined, in a process that is almost entirely hidden from view. In recent weeks, the gaze of the world has been fixed on the fight against Daesh (aka ISIL), as the

How Trump Should Handle Iran

Last week, the Trump administration recertified that Iran is complying the nuclear agreement, setting off predictable debate between who those want to exit the deal immediately and those who see it as his predecessor’s signature foreign policy achievement. But for