National Security Briefs

National Security Briefs

 The Iranian regime’s reported plot to assassinate former President Donald Trump, if accurate, is an unacceptable and unprecedented attempt to perpetrate violence on American soil and meddle in U.S. politics. It is the logical culmination of a passive U.S. policy

After a nearly three-month pause in Iran-linked attacks on U.S. forces in the Middle East, Iran-backed militia attacked the Ain al-Assad base in Iraq, which hosts U.S. troops, on July 16. Similar to two attacks that these groups launched in

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) remains must-pass legislation for Congress each year due to its importance in both framing U.S. national security policy across a broad spectrum of issues on a bipartisan basis and enabling effective congressional oversight of

The Jewish Institute for National Security of America’s (JINSA) Iran Projectile Tracker presents regularly updated charts and graphs on missiles, rockets, drones, and mortars that Iran and its regional proxies have fired at U.S. personnel, partners, and interests in the