
Gen Charles “Chuck” Wald, USAF (ret.)

General Charles Wald, USAF (ret.), former Deputy Commander of United States European Command (EUCOM) – General Charles Wald is a proven leader who specializes in global military strategy and development. As EUCOM Deputy Commander he was responsible for developing the air campaign in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. Gen. Wald has also served as the Director of Strategic Planning and Policy at USAF Headquarters, Chief of USAF Combat Terrorism Center, and Deputy Chief of Staff for Air and Space Operations at the Pentagon. In 35 years as a USAF command pilot, Gen. Wald accumulated more than 3,600 flying hours and 430 combat hours.


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If Israel Strikes Iran Over Its Nuclear Program, the U.S. Must Have Its Back
Enough of the ‘Tenuous’ Iran Nuclear Deal — It’s Time for Plan B
It’s Time to End the Iran Nuclear Deal Once and For All
America should re-envision the Eastern Med as a multi-theater power-projection platform
America’s Lesson from Gaza: Prepare for Disinformation War
Pledges to Restore Israel’s Defenses Must Go Beyond the Iron Dome
Shifting Israel to the Area of Responsibility (AOR) for U.S. Forces in the Middle East
What Selling F-35 Stealth Jets to the UAE Means for Israel
How the U.S. Can Help Israel Maintain its Military Edge
America Must Do More To Prevent An Iranian Nuclear Weapon
F-35s to UAE Necessitates U.S. Ensure Israel’s QME
Israel Needs Help Rebuilding Its Munitions Stockpile
Washington Must Address Turkey’s Rising Aggression Amid COVID-19
America Must Act In Libya Against Turkey, Russia
US-Turkish Relations Could Warm Up; Turkey Should Pledge No Russian Arms
Greece Is at the Nexus of America’s Geopolitical Crossroads
The US and Israel Should Agree on a Mutual Defense Pact
Israel Needs US-Made Weapons to Contain Iran’s Aggression
Pull US Troops Out of Turkey: Former EUCOM Deputy
A Return to Geopolitics in the Mediterranean
Qatar is Helping Iran. Trump Has the Leverage to Force a Change — But Will He?
Greece: America’s New Key Strategic Partner
Trump Shouldn’t Pull Out of Syria Right Now – Our President First Needs a Tougher ...
Iran’s Ballistic Missile Test Shows U.S. Defense of Middle East Allies Must Change. ...
Beating Back Iranian Aggression by Supporting Israel
A Comprehensive Strategy That Secures Real And Lasting Changes In Iran’s Behavior
Trump’s Quick Fix Approach to Iran Nuclear Deal Creates Untenable Policy Dilemma
US Must Bolster Its Presence In MidEast As ISIS Falls
How Trump Can Prevent a Nuclear Iran
The Two Faces of Qatar, a Dubious Mideast Ally
Time to Take Aim at Iranian Missiles
Gen Charles Wald, USAF (Ret.): UNHRC Report on 2014 Gaza Conflict Unbalanced, Fails to Acc...