Washington Post Calls Newest JINSA Iran Report a “Must-Read”
Why a potential Iran deal is a disaster
By Jennifer Rubin – 11/6/2014
In a must-read report from the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) task force on Iran, co-chaired by former ambassador Eric Edelman and former Obama adviser Dennis Ross, the authors warn about entering into one of the suggested arrangements leaked from the Iran P5+1 talks. They write:
Why a potential Iran deal is a disaster
By Jennifer Rubin – 11/6/2014
In a must-read report from the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) task force on Iran, co-chaired by former ambassador Eric Edelman and former Obama adviser Dennis Ross, the authors warn about entering into one of the suggested arrangements leaked from the Iran P5+1 talks. They write:
As this Task Force laid out in a September paper, one such possibility would be to limit the total output of Iran’s enrichment facilities (as measured in Separative Work Units, or SWU). Since then, U.S. officials reportedly have considered another route, whereby Iran would disconnect the links between some or all of its thousands of installed centrifuges. . . [A]s with the SWU approach, Iran would maintain a latent nuclear weapons capability, and could even expand and upgrade its existing nuclear infrastructure without violating a final deal.
The authors proceed to explain how hard it would be to monitor compliance if we don’t also deal with “dismantlement of key elements of [Iran’s] existing enrichment infrastructure – specifically centrifuges – and verifiable limits on centrifuge output, number and types of operating and installed centrifuges, research and development (R&D) activities, and enrichment levels and facilities, among others. Without these additional restrictions, Iran could expand its latent enrichment capability while adhering to a final deal.”