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MG Sidney Shachnow Grateful Nation Award

The Grateful Nation Award, established in 2003, renamed the MG Sidney Shachnow Grateful Nation Award in 2019, is presented annually to six young heroes recognized for having distinguished themselves through superior conduct in the War on Terrorism. Honorees are nominated and selected by their respective service. The honorees come from the enlisted, noncommissioned officer and junior officer ranks. Honorees represent each of the five branches of the U.S. military and the U.S. Special Operations Command.

Luke Donofrio, USA
Representing U.S. Army
Sergeant Jaryk D. Pitsch, USMC
Representing U.S. Marine Corps
MEC Justin Mulkey, USCG
Representing U.S. Coast Guard
Master Sergeant Brandon J. Sawyer, USAF
Representing U.S. Air Force
Major John P. Rowley, USA
Representing U.S. Special Operations Command

JINSA would like to thank all of its MG Sidney Shachnow
Grateful Nation Award Sponsors:

Past Grateful Nation Award Recipients

USA: First Sergeant Garett Strifler, USA
USMC: Gunnery Sergeant Faisal Elkantar, USMC
USAF: Master Sergeant Alan C. Garrison, USAF
USSOCOM: Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator Joshua Goldberg, USN

USA: Major Kyle Peatfield, USA
USMC: First Lieutenant Robert Lamb III, USMC
USN: Lieutenant Robert Baxter, USN
USAF: Master Sergeant Samuel McCalister II, USAF
USSOCOM: Master Sergeant William Cook, USA


USA: Sergeant First Class James S. Suong
USMC: First Sergeant Victor M. Martinez
USN: Chief Petty Officer Emily A. Grove
USCG: Chief Warrant Officer Paul Bostwick
USAF: Master Sergeant Ryan D. Otero
USSOCOM: Captain Christopher C. Calderone, USAF

USA: CPT Jared D. Friedman
USMC: GySgt Jamal L. Harris
USN: CTR1 Andrew J. McCloat
USCG: MKCS Kenneth G. Kimball
USAF: SMSgt Manuel J. Herrera
USSOCOM: TSgt Zachery W. Sherwood, USAF

USA: CW4 Christopher E. Moore
USMC: Sgt. Ryan A. Keith
USN: LCDR Alexa F. Jenkins
USCG: LTJG James R. Rizzo
USAF: TSgt. Michael C. O’Connor
USSOCOM: CW3 Joel C. Prather, USA


USA: Master Sergeant Michael L. Settles
USMC: Staff Sergeant Jason T. Pacheco
USN: Lieutenant Commander Jacob W. Romelhardt
USCG: Lieutenant Emily H. Brockway
USAF: Master Sergeant Daniel P. McKnight
USSOCOM: Major Cade A. Reedy, USAF

USA: Master Sergeant Michael B. Woodman
USMC: Gunnery Sergeant Patricia L. Reynolds
USN: Lieutenant Andrew J. Lang
USCG: Maritime Enforcement Specialist Chief Robert M. Freeman
USAF: Senior Master Sergeant Howard T. Loughran
USSOCOM: Staff Sergeant Alan A. Gonzales, USAF

USA: Staff Sergeant Jared W. Gabriel
USMC: Gunnery Sergeant Craig J. Wilcox
USN: Senior Chief Petty Officer Benny M. Flores
USCG: Lieutenant Commander Jonathan I. Schafler
USAF: Senior Master Sergeant Michael G. Becker
USSOCOM: Captain Randy S. Buckley, USAF

USA: Major Lee Spencer Wallace
USMC: Sergeant Amanda J. Eason
USN: Petty Officer First Class John P. Palomares
USCG: Chief Machinery Technician William Haynes
USAF: Technical Sergeant James P. Fitzgerald
USSOCOM: Captain Eric D. Barger, USA

USA: Captain James A. Boston
USMC: Staff Sergeant Adel M. Abudayeh
USN: Lieutenant Commander Andrew W. Boyden
USCG: Chief Boatswain’s Mate Douglas H. Schneider
USAF: Captain Daniel J. Beirne
USSOCOM: Major Timothy J. Rott, USAF

USA: First Lieutenant Robert A. Heber, Jr.
USMC: Sergeant Anthony A. Arriaga
USN: Chief Petty Officer Brian P. High
USCG: Petty Officer Third Class Michael R. Brooks
USAF: Technical Sergeant Michael T. Blout
USSOCOM: Captain William R. Wright, USA

USA: Sergeant First Class James T. Osaer
USMC: Sergeant Brian A. Riddle
USN: Petty Officer Eric J. Strauss
USCG: Boatswains Mate First Class Jonathan Tatroe
USAF: Technical Sergeant Clint T. Campbell (AFSOC)
USSOCOM: Master Sergeant Paul L. Wiseman, USA

USA: Master Sergeant Brendan O’Connor
USMC: Sergeant Joseph M. Perez
USN: Lieutenant Junior Grade Tyler Haught
USCG: Petty Officer Second Class Timothy Webb
USAF: Technical Sergeant Theodor V. Hofknecht
USSOCOM: Staff Sergeant Graham H. Jacobs, USMC

USA: Staff Sergeant Christopher B. Waiters
USMC: Corporal Daniel F. Hickey
USN: Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) Adam L. Brown (posthumous)
USCG: Petty Officer Second Class Brandon Ramos
USAF: Staff Sergeant Christopher N. Freeman
USSOCOM: Petty Officer First Class (SEAL) Corey S. Novotny, USN

USA: Sergeant Gregory S. Ruske
USMC: Corporal Richard S. Weinmaster
USN: Senior Chief (SEAL) John W. Marcum
USCG: Lieutenant Commander Thomas L. Boyles
USAF: Major Austin A. Moore
USSOCOM: Technical Sergeant Christopher B. Grove, USAF

MG Sidney Shachnow Grateful Nation Award Advisory Board


GEN James D. Thurman, USA (ret.)

VADM Peter V. Neffenger, USCG (ret.)

LTG Mick Bednarek, USA (ret.)

RADM William F. Merlin, USCG (ret.)

LtGen Frederick McCorkle, USMC (ret.)

Lt Gen Michael Gould, USAF (ret.)

LtGen Kenneth J. Glueck, USMC (ret.)

Lt Gen Thomas “Tom” Trask, USAF (ret.)

ADM Mark P. Fitzgerald, USN (ret.)

RADM Brian L. Losey, USN (ret.)