Last Wednesday, the Senate voted down legislation aimed at stopping the sale of advanced offensive weapons to the United Arab Emirates. Washington can and should do more. As Iran proliferates advanced long-range weaponry and its proxies launch short-range attacks, the…
Featuring: Ambassador James Jeffrey Former Special Representative for Syria Engagement Michael Mulroy Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East Sinam Mohamad Co-Chair, U.S. Mission of the Syrian Democratic Council Blaise Misztal JINSA Vice President for Policy
The Caspian Sea As Battleground – Analysis By James M. Dorsey Second Karabakh War as Cause or Consequence? Populated at the time by fluent Hebrew speakers, the Israel desk of Armenia’s foreign ministry waited back in 1991— in the immediate…
In 2016 President Obama signed a ten-year memorandum of understanding (MoU) that pledged an unprecedented level of U.S. military assistance to the Jewish state. Such concrete support for Israel’s self-defense has been a key element of U.S. policy for decades,…