Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

Addressing Iran and its proxy network comprehensively—eliminating active threats and systematically degrading its ability to plot and coordinate around the world—requires not only Israeli or U.S. action but also a robust international effort. The parallels between Hamas and ISIS became

War, especially in places as densely populated as Gaza, is awful. No matter how hard military forces try to avoid inflicting death and suffering on civilians, that outcome seems inevitable. But while the rules of war demand that both sides respect the

Crises can be clarifying. The 9/11 attacks were one such moment. The world’s reaction exposed America’s true friends. As President George W. Bush said at the time, “either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” The world

Disconnect Saudi peace from the Palestinian Authority The eager anticipation of peace with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has been deflated by demands that Israel also support the Palestinian Authority. After decades of Palestinian intransigence, the sudden fixation on