Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan haunted his presidency. His poll numbers at home never recovered, and foreign aggressors took his ineptitude as an invitation to challenge US interests. Donald Trump will have a unique opportunity to do the exact

The next few months will be the last chance to prevent a nuclear Iran. Right now, an Iranian breakout is still detectable and stoppable. Its air defenses are degraded, and its means of aggression are depleted, creating a unique but fleeting

The Iranian empire is crumbling. Just three months ago, Iran sat astride the Middle East, effectively controlling at least four Arab capitals and multiple well-armed proxy forces. Now, it has lost Syria and Lebanon while Hamas and Hezbollah have been

“Nothing Will Stand in Your Way”- Churchill and Zionism

For years Western civilization has been in crisis. In the United States, which long ago replaced Britain as the leader and ultimate defender of Western civilization, there has been a growing chorus of those doubting the virtue of the country’s