Policy Projects >> Hybrid Warfare

Hybrid Warfare

The Hybrid Warfare Policy Project was established by the Jewish Institute for National Security of America’s (JINSA) Gemunder Center for Defense and Strategy to define the requirements of the law of armed conflict (LOAC) and to evaluate the performance of the U.S., Israeli, and other allied militaries in compliance with – and sometimes, beyond – the dictates of that law.

At the same time, the Policy Project seeks to focus attention on the conduct of hybrid adversaries such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and Islamic State, which often intentionally exploit that same body of law to stymie U.S., Israeli, and allied forces in battle and to discredit their self-defense operations in the forum of public opinion.


  • Members

  • Hybrid Warfare Policy Project Reports

  • Featured Media

  • Analysis and Commentary

Hybrid Warfare Policy Project Members

VADM John M. Bird, USN (ret.)

Co-Chair, JINSA Israel-China Policy Project; Former Commander, U.S. Seventh Fleet

LtGen Kenneth J. Glueck, USMC (ret.)

Former Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Combat Development Command

LtGen Richard Natonski, USMC (ret.)

Former Commander of U.S. Marine Corps Forces Command

Gen Michael Hostage, USAF (ret.)

Former Commander, Air Combat Command

LTC Geoffrey S. Corn, USA (ret.)

Distinguished Fellow, Gemunder Center for Defense & Strategy, Vinson & Elkins Professor of Law, South Texas College of Law, Houston

Col Stephen T. Ganyard, USMC (ret.)

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs

LTC (Prof) Sean M. Watts, USA (ret.)

Former Professor of International Law at the Judge Advocate General’s School

Lt Gen Eric E. Fiel, USAF (ret.)

Former Commander, Air Force Special Operations Command, Hurlburt Field, Fla.

CDR Mark E. Newcomb, USN (ret.)

Former Principal Legal Advisor to Commander, Battle Force 7th Fleet.

Lt Col Rachel E. VanLandingham, USAF (ret.)

Former Judge Advocate in the U.S. Air Force, Professor of Law at Southwestern Law School (Los Angeles, CA)

COL. Marc Warren, USA (ret.)

Former Senior Legal Officer in the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Corp for Multi-National Forces Iraq

COL Ian G. Corey, USA (ret.)

Former General Counsel for U.S. Army Cyber Command

LTG Michael S. Tucker, USA (ret.)

Former Commanding General of the First United States Army from 2013 until 2016.

LTG Thomas W. Spoehr, USA (ret.)

Former Deputy Commanding General, U.S. Forces – Iraq

LtGen John "Jocko" Toolan, Jr., USMC (ret.)

Former Commander, Marine Forces Pacific

Lt Gen Thomas "Tom" Trask, USAF (ret.)

Former Vice Commander, United States Special Operations Command

Analysis & Commentary

Tablet Magazine - May 29, 2024
by Michael Makovsky, PhD and
Breaking Defense - March 19, 2021
by Ari Cicurel and Lt Col Stewart J. Parker, USAF and
The Algemeiner - October 29, 2019
by LtGen Kenneth J. Glueck, USMC (ret.) and General Frank J. Grass, USA (ret.) and
Washington Examiner - May 16, 2018
by LtGen Richard Natonski, USMC (ret.) and LTC Geoffrey Corn, USA (ret.)
Israel Hayom - September 1, 2017
by IDF MG (ret.) Yaakov Amidror and
Israel Hayom - March 3, 2017
by IDF MG (ret.) Yaakov Amidror and