Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

Today, Turkey and Russia stand on opposing sides of the next battle line in Libya’s escalating civil war. But even if they trade blows over the strategic coastal city of Sirte and the nearby airbase at al-Jufra, it remains highly likely that they will

Self-reliance has always been a pillar of Israel’s national security ethos. Yet opponents of Israeli sovereignty in the sparsely-populated Jordan Valley seek to downplay regional strategic threats to the Jewish state, arguing that foreign security forces could substitute for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

Letter to the Editor at Cleveland Jewish News: I am writing in response to a letter in your publication alleging that an “Israeli military tactic” killed George Floyd, and maligning US-Israel law enforcement exchanges led by the Jewish Institute for

While there has been much debate over Jerusalem’s possible decision to apply Israeli law to the Jordan Valley, the move’s underlying security imperative is not often recognized. As a retired Israeli major general, I believe that Israeli sovereignty over the

A recent terror attack in Mali killed two dozen soldiers with the incident following French claims that its military forces – supported by American intelligence and surveillance aircraft – successfully neutralized Abdelmalek Droukdel, the leader of al-Qaeda’s West African affiliate. This successful counterterrorism operation

When the leader of Libya’s official government declared his Tripoli stronghold liberated last week, it was at a press conference in Ankara with Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan. Curiously, Erdogan’s Russian counterpart has provided much of the support for the opposing side in Libya’s civil