Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

Ron Johnson says he is happy to be ridiculed over EMP concerns By Darius Dixon – Politico Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson said this afternoon that he’s happy to use his committee as a vehicle to hammer on threats

Sunday, October 18, isn’t just a day of baseball playoffs and pro football games. It’s “Adoption Day,” when all parties to the Iran nuclear deal must begin preparing to implement its terms. And while the Obama administration takes another opportunity

It’s been two weeks since a majority of Congress sought to register its disapproval of the Iran deal but fell short of the votes necessary to break a filibuster or override a presidential veto, and most politicians and commentators have

The Iran debate remains in flux but its fundamentals have not changed. Some members of Congress want to filibuster, and some believe the debate must continue because the Obama administration has not met the terms of existing law by failing