Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

Saudi Arabia has never been a true friend of the United States because of its extremist Islamic ideology, but for decades it has been an important ally. We share many important strategic interests. Riyadh is not necessarily a stabilizing force

The momentum to restrict Iranian oil exports has stalled, and it is time for Congress to eschew a more gradualist approach and mandate zero oil exports with zero waivers. This, along with more concrete military pressure, could increase the otherwise

Six months after it was first hinted at, and a month after widespread reports surfaced, the United Nations, Britain, and France have all just confirmed the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Yet, there has been no U.S. response to

Solar Storm Risk to the North American Electric Grid Lloyd’s of London – May 2013 Lloyd’s City Risk Index 2015-2025 U.K. Government’s Space Weather Preparedness Strategy

With the next round of international talks on Iran’s nuclear program scheduled for February 26, the United States needs to understand Iran’s negotiating strategy. Recent Iranian tactics suggest a seemingly contradictory approach: simultaneously slowing down and speeding up their nuclear

After the looming fiscal cliff, the next major challenge facing the United States will be preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapons capability. Living with a nuclear Iran is strategically untenable. Like the fiscal cliff, this is a matter of