Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

Monday marks the second anniversary of a Tunisian fruit vendor’s self-immolation that triggered the Arab Awakening. It is widely understood that a fundamental source of the strife is a crisis of political legitimacy, a millennium-old malady of Islamic societies. Less

A simmering dispute between the United States and Israel heated up this week as leaders of both countries traded sharp statements.  On the surface, and according to most media accounts, the disagreement stems from Israel’s dissatisfaction that the United States

As efforts continue to prevent Iran from making nuclear weapons, a central Iranian negotiating demand is acknowledgment of its “right” to enrich uranium under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Although spurious, this assertion has gone without a forceful public challenge. By

As President Barack Obama is set to address the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) on Sunday, policymakers around the world will be paying close attention to how he phrases his administration’s policy toward Iran’s

In 1993, James Carville, President Bill Clinton’s political strategist, said that “if there was reincarnation,” he’d like to return as the bond market, because then he could “intimidate everybody.” Today, with interest rates historically low, the fantasy of choice would

As recent events underscore the growing Iranian nuclear threat, the Obama administration appears to be pivoting toward a policy of containment. The emphasis of its rhetoric has shifted from preventing an “unacceptable” nuclear Iran to “isolating” it. When coupled with

By Yaakov Lappin JINSA Visiting Fellow Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was one of the first to sound the alarm over Iran’s nuclear armament program, identifying the threat it posed to global security in the early 1990s. The last time he