
Jonathan Ruhe

Jonathan Ruhe is JINSA Director of Foreign Policy. Prior to joining JINSA, he worked at the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), where he focused on Middle East and Former Soviet Union security issues. His commentary has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Foreign Policy, The Dispatch, and various international media outlets. He holds degrees with honors from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and from the University of Chicago, where he was a fellow with the Program on International Security Policy.


Iran Nuclear Tracker: February 2025 Quarterly Update
How Long Does America Still Have to Stop an Iranian Nuclear Bomb?
Iran Nuclear Tracker: November Update
Iran’s Missiles Push it Closer to Russia — at the West’s Expense
Israel’s Iran Strike Threads a Tight Strategic Needle
By Itself, With U.S.: The Case for a U.S.-Israel Mutual Defense Treaty Post-10/7
Iran Goes Ballistic Defending Degraded Hezbollah
UN Watchdog Playing ‘Blind Man’s Bluff’ with Iran’s Nuclear Program
What Will Trump or Harris Do if Iran Goes Nuclear?
Our Iran Policy Has Failed. Time for a New Strategy.
A Peace to Delay War: How Diplomacy Can End Hezbollah’s War of Choice
Snapback Is the Way Forward Against Iran’s Nuclear Violations
ICC Prosecutor Requests Arrest Warrants for Israeli Leaders
Israel Strikes Back; U.S. Must Show ‘No Daylight’
Iran’s Failed Kill Shot Leaves it Vulnerable
Any ‘Win’ Against Iran is Premature Without Shutting Down its Capabilities
Unprecedented Iranian Regime Attack Against Israel
Syria Strike Sends Clear Message to Iran
The Biden Administration Has an Opportunity to Rein In Iran
Egypt Must Do More to Aid Gazans
Don’t Fall for Iran’s Empty Nuclear Gesture
Iran Accelerates into the Nuclear Gray Zone
Iran on Nuclear Precipice as Oversight Dwindles
Deterrence Through Strength
A Joint American-Israeli Redline on Iran’s Nuclear Program
To Counter Iran at Sea, US Must Sell Partners on Doing More
Israel’s Multifront Escalation
Without Alexandroupolis, Transatlantic Security Is Dead in the Water
The Nuclear Deal That Biden Should Be Worrying About
Why Biden Should Exit the Iran Talks
No more extending the clock on the Iran nuclear deal
U.S. Needs to Deliver on Its Promise to Fund Israel’s Iron Dome
Could Saudi Arabia Help Save Biden’s Flailing Presidency?
Why Has Biden Stopped Pushing for Arab-Israeli Peace?
Iran Negotiations Need Clear End Date for Any Agreement
Israel’s Success Must Not Obscure Increase in Hamas Capabilities
America should re-envision the Eastern Med as a multi-theater power-projection platform
Don’t Believe Iran’s Claims of Another Nuclear Milestone
After Afghanistan: Israel Will Bear a Greater Burden for Upholding Stability
Is Iran Bluffing About Its Enriched Uranium Stockpile?
The Iran Deal May Still Be Dead
Learn From Gaza, Prepare For Hezbollah
The US Must Not Rejoin the Iran Nuclear Deal
Biden and Congress Must Act Against Calls To Condition Aid To Israel
The Case for a Strategic Pivot to Greece and Cyprus
Turkey and Russia’s Endgame in Libya—And Why America Should Not Stand Still
Selling F-35 Jets to Qatar Poses a Direct Threat to Israel
The Road to a War Within NATO
Israel’s War of Attrition is Potently Relevant Today
Don’t Let Turks & Russians Carve up Libya
Washington Needs to Act Fast on Libya, Before It’s Too Late
Bringing the Yemen Conflict to an End
The Case For a Political Warfare Campaign Against Iran
The Right Strategy For Iran Isn’t Regime Change. It’s Regime Collapse.
President Trump Should Worry About Iran’s Military
New Signs Iran is Creeping Closer to Making a Nuclear Bomb
Consequences of the US Withdrawal from Syria
Contesting Iran’s Gray Zone Strategy
How Iran’s Nuclear Breakout Easily Could Become a ‘Sneakout’
Iran’s Nuclear Clock is Ticking Once Again. Here’s How to Stop It
US Should Sanction Hezbollah-Controlled Govt. to Counter Attack Tunnels in Lebanon
US Must Begin Bolstering Regional Allies to Mitigate Fallout from Syria Withdrawal
Syria’s S-300 Gift From Russia
Iran’s Close Encounters With the U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf
Iran Needs to Take America Seriously Again
Time to Seize the High Ground on Nuclear Weapons
The Overlooked Iranian Missile Threat
U.S. Must Mandate Zero Oil Exports for Iran
Spring Trap