Archive Posts

JINSA’s Gemunder Center Iran Task Force issues new brief on proposals to disconnect Iran’s centrifuges as part of a comprehensive agreement on its nuclear program. Co-Chairs Ambassador Eric Edelman and Ambassador Dennis Ross Click here to read the full brief

The White House’s “Chickens#@!” Betrayal By Admiral Mark Fitzgerald, USN (ret.) Put aside the absurdity of calling a man who was a commander in Israel’s special forces unit, Sayeret Matkal, a “coward.” Forget the spectacular hypocrisy – even by Washington

Oil Gives Kurds a Path to Independence, and Conflict With Baghdad By Azam Ahmed and Clifford Krauss Roughly two dozen huge oil tankers are idly turning figure eights around the Mediterranean or on the high seas, loaded with oil pumped

Chasing a bad deal with Iran By Jennifer Rubin – October 19, 2014 Reporting on the “P5+1″ talks over the last month or so suggests the administration is trying one gambit after another in a desperate attempt to strike a