Archive Posts

It gives us great pleasure to announce that JINSA’s Marsha Halteman will be honored by the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) with their Outstanding Civilian Service Medal for her tireless work on JINSA’s Soldiers Appeal, which raises funds for

On January 27, 2014, JINSA’s Gemunder Center for Defense and Strategy Iran Task Force held a panel discussion of its newly released report on assessing the interim deal with Iran (JPA) in Washington, DC. You can click the video below

It’s containment, for sure By Jennifer Rubin February 4, 2014 Raymond Tanter at Foreign Policy looks at what a hypothetical post-mortem would look like if the Iran talks fail. As he notes, even the president has given talks only a

It’s Howard Dean vs. Obama on Iran By Jennifer Rubin January 30 at 8:45 am Former Vermont governor Howard Dean surprised and delighted critics of President Obama’s Iran policy with the most cogent and forceful criticism of the interim deal