Archive Posts

Raheel Raza, the Pakistani-born award-winning author of Their Jihad…Not My Jihad, spoke to JINSA audiences in Houston, Dallas and Westchester County, New York in early May. Click here to read coverage of Raheel’s appearance in the Texas Jewish Post

If you were unable to attend JINSA’s 2010 Annual Awards Dinner Gala, you can still view the November 15, 2010, presentation of the Grateful Nation Award to six young heroes who distinguished themselves in the fight against terrorism. For security

By Shoshana Bryen The 21st Century has thus far been one of turmoil in the Middle East that has reverberated in the West with terrorism and increasingly tenuous access to oil. It is essential for the United States to find

By Zach Paikin Lebanon has been torn between West and East for quite some time. The very founding of the state was based upon a compromise between Christians and Muslims. The former would acknowledge that Lebanon was an “Arab state”