Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

A strategic dialogue scheduled for this week could launch a much-needed reset in Washington-Baghdad relations. Months of tit-for-tat confrontations between the United States and Iran in Iraq created tensions between Washington and Baghdad. However, America and the new government in Baghdad

Turkey’s recent intervention in Libya is intensifying a proxy war and regional energy competition that threaten vital U.S. interests, while Washington mostly observes from the sidelines. As fighting grows in the Mediterranean country, the United States urgently needs to assume

Tensions between the United States and China continue to escalate amid the coronavirus crisis and show no signs of abating. One long-standing rivalry surrounds the race to control emerging technologies that will shape the future. To improve its position, America

Before the outbreak of COVID-19 in China turned the world upside down, a new Great Power competition was emerging between Washington and Beijing, with significant implications for our national security. From the quest for unbreakable codes with quantum computing to

The IDF should consider prioritizing an investment in professionalizing its noncommissioned officers before purchasing a new piece of exquisite military hardware. The Iron Dome and F-35s have certainly saved lives and enabled Israel to remain the premier military force in the Middle