Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

Today’s White House lawn ceremony for new peace agreements between the United Arab Emirates and Israel, and Bahrain and Israel, marks the most important breakthrough in Middle East peace since Jordan’s 1994 treaty with Israel. Yet, the expected American sale

Like clockwork, Hamas announced another ceasefire with Israel last week, de-escalating tensions after weeks of violence along the Gaza border. It is a positive development each time the fighting stops. Yet, the ceasefire agreement is merely the temporary conclusion to

A growing arms race in the Eastern Mediterranean pits several U.S. allies against each other, raising the risks of confrontation between two NATO allies. The Turkish Ministry of Defense has tweeted pictures of the Turkish Navy escorting the research ship Oruç Reis to

The Trump administration announced that the United States would begin the process of triggering the Iran sanctions snapback mechanism that will restore the robust sanctions regime that was terminated in 2015 as part of the Iran nuclear deal. Supporters of the deal

Last week, Israel and the United Arab Emirates announced a deal: The Arab state would formally recognize Israel in exchange for Israel halting annexation of Palestinian territory in the West Bank. This followed a public invitation by the UAE ambassador