Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

Balfour at 100 By Michael Makovsky, PhD – The Weekly Standard A century has passed since Britain became the first nation to recognize a Jewish homeland. November 2 marks the centennial of Britain’s Balfour Declaration, the first international recognition of

Donald Trump has announced two important and long overdue changes to Iran policy. First, he committed to addressing the shortcomings of the Iran nuclear deal, without terminating it. Second, he called for a comprehensive strategy to counter Iranian aggression throughout

The U.S.-Turkish relationship has recently become so bad that analysts in both countries now wonder if it is beyond repair. There are good grounds for the worsening of this relationship, not least President Tayyip Erdoğan’s increasingly blatant anti-Americanism. But going

The Islamic State group has struck again. In a matter of days, there were major terrorist attacks in Barcelona and stabbings in Siberia and Finland and a few other incidents that remain murky. The headlines are screaming and the analysts

The developments that followed the Temple Mount crisis highlighted the media’s penchant for manufacturing unnecessary drama * If anything, the decision to roll back security measures on the Temple Mount was a sign of Israel’s strength, not its weakness. A