Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

Much separates Iran and North Korea, but the two have plenty in common when it comes to nuclear ambitions * Whenever they move to appease the West, they somehow get closer to realizing their goals, while the world fumbles to

Last week, the Trump administration recertified that Iran is complying the nuclear agreement, setting off predictable debate between who those want to exit the deal immediately and those who see it as his predecessor’s signature foreign policy achievement. But for

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis visited several of America’s Middle Eastern partners last week—including a dubious one. Qatar hosts an important air base but also undermines American security by sponsoring Islamic radicalism. Nearly all coalition airstrikes against Islamic State are commanded

State Comptroller Yosef Shapira’s report on Operation Protective Edge in the Gaza Strip in 2014, which found fault in the military’s conduct, as well as in the Diplomatic-Security Cabinet’s decision-making process ahead of and during the campaign, stirred controversy for

President Barack Obama eroded the U.S.’s superpower status and is leaving behind a far more dangerous world than the one he inherited. A Trump administration gives Israel reason to be optimistic, although we must remember he is a very shrewd

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has always been one of those who believed the key to a better future for the Middle East lies with striking peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Recent developments in the region have seen

As the bipartisan opponents of President Obama’s Iran nuclear agreement prepare to address its many shortcomings, they should beware of unwittingly repeating some of his mistakes. Instead of relying on more sanctions to dismantle or renegotiate the deal, the most