
Choose your label to describe what’s become of President Joe Biden’s Gaza pier: Dumpster fire. Boondoggle. White elephant. Whatever you call it, the project is a bona fide failure. It seems destined to be a textbook example of what happens when the

Get ready for what may be the final round of President Biden’s ill-fated Gaza pier adventure. After rough seas scattered parts of the project across the Eastern Mediterranean in late May, forcing it to shut down, the pier was repaired and

America’s support for Israel’s ongoing war of national survival against an Iranian terror network dedicated to its destruction has become an increasingly divisive topic, from university campuses to the corridors of Washington. Faltering U.S. backing for Israel, one of our

The Biden administration’s warnings that an Israeli military incursion into Rafah would cause a great number of civilian casualties are being proven wrong as few Palestinian civilians have died since Israel decided to enter the Hamas stronghold. The international community’s

The Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) is dedicated to educating Congressional, military and civilian national security decision-makers on American defense and strategic interests, primarily in the Middle East, the cornerstone of which is a robust U.S.-Israeli security