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By Yaakov Lappin JINSA Visiting Fellow Like blurred windows into another world, cell phone video footage and hastily written messages seep through the Internet from Syria, giving outsiders a glimpse of the civil war raging in multiple locations.

by Gabriel Scheinmann JINSA Visiting Fellow Israelis understandably feel imperiled by the misnamed “Arab Spring.” Their country’s three-decade peace treaty with Egypt is under assault, its strategic alliance with Turkey has dissolved, and its closest regional ally, Jordan, is withering

By Yaakov Lappin JINSA Visiting Fellow Recent developments on Israel’s southern borders have illustrated the direct relationship between the changes sweeping Arab lands and mounting threats to Israel’s national security. This past weekend, as Egyptians went to the polls, terrorists

An address by Major General Gadi Shamni, the Israel Defense and Armed Forces Attaché to the United States & Canada kicked off JINSA’s Spring 2012 Board Meeting, held June 3-4 in Washington, DC. The Board of Directors also heard from