
A decade after Turkey broke off diplomatic relations with Israel following the Mavi Marmara flotilla incident, Ankara began signaling in recent weeks a desire to reset relations with Israel. Yet, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan remains publicly critical of Israel and of

Join JINSA and Dr. Tevi Troy as he discusses a history of Israeli ambassadors to Washington and archival stories from various eras, including stories from Ambassadors Abba Eban, Yitzhak Rabin, Simcha Dinitz, Zalman Shoval and Michael Oren. The discussion will be

Join Washington Institute Ziegler Distinguished Fellow David Makovsky and JINSA President & CEO Dr. Michael Makovsky for a discussion on the political turmoil in Israel. JINSA’s National Leadership starts at $1,000 annual contribution. To find out more about our National

Join Gemunder Center Counselor Ambassador Eric Edelman, Center for American Progress Senior Fellow Brian Katulis, and JINSA VP for Policy Blaise Misztal for a discussion on what U.S. foreign policy will look like during the Biden Administration. JINSA’s National Leadership