
Admiral Michael Mullen’s Speech to JINSA

On December 8, 2008, Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was the recipient of the prestigious Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson Award. The following video is Admiral Mullen’s keynote address at JINSA’s 2008 Jackson Award dinner.

On December 8, 2008, Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was the recipient of the prestigious Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson Award. The following video is Admiral Mullen’s keynote address at JINSA’s 2008 Jackson Award dinner.

Since 1984, JINSA has honored leaders who, throughout their careers, have upheld the tradition of the late Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson. He inspired Americans with his dedication to a strong U.S. defense posture and his abiding interest in helping oppressed peoples. Most recent recipients of the organization’s highest honor include Secretary Robert Gates in 2007, Senator John McCain in 2006 and Gen. Peter Pace, USMC, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in 2005.


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